SEO Specialist Philippines

Filipino SEO expert optimizing your website for success.
Online visibility guaranteed.

Did you know that 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine? This emphasizes the importance of having an effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy in today’s digital marketplace.

As a highly experienced SEO expert from the Philippines, I have over 15 years of experience in the industry and specialize in improving your business’s online visibility and driving organic traffic to your website.

Unlike the obsolete methods of keyword stuffing and indiscriminate backlinking, modern SEO is all about sophisticated brand promotion and digital public relations. This shift reflects the evolving nature of search engine algorithms and user behavior, emphasizing the importance of quality content and community building around your brand.

Quality content engages and retains visitors. It establishes your site’s value and enhances search engine rankings. When you provide authoritative, accurate, and useful information, your site transforms into a respected resource that attracts repeat visits and beneficial inbound links.

Good SEO is a crucial investment that brings long-lasting benefits. It requires continuous evolution and adaptation to Google’s ever-changing algorithms, with a focus on creating quality content and implementing comprehensive digital marketing strategies.

My SEO services are affordable and reliable, and I guarantee scalability, whether you’re a startup or a growing company aiming for the top Google rankings. Each of my search engine optimization plans is customized and designed to meet the unique needs of your target audience.

From SEO audits to continuous traffic monitoring, every aspect of my service is top-notch, geared towards maximizing your potential customers and overall business success.

Why settle for less when you can work with a top SEO specialist in the Philippines? I invite you to schedule a discovery call with me to explore new opportunities and begin crafting a tailored SEO strategy that guarantees not just results but the right results. Let’s optimize your success together!

World Class SEO Services,
Filipino Affordability.

World Class SEO Services,
Filipino Affordability.
Book a Consultation here.

I provide an array of SEO services, which include:

Extensive Keyword Research

Every SEO campaign starts with in-depth keyword research—the process of finding out which keywords are the best to target based on your business goals, industry trends, and competition.

When it comes to researching for keywords, I don’t believe in shortcuts. I will choose highly relevant keywords that are transactional and commercial by nature, have sufficient search volume and aren’t too competitive. And this is not just to boost your keyword search engine rankings—this is to ensure that your website publishes content that people are actually looking for when they go online.

An SEO audit is a thorough evaluation of your website that helps to identify gaps in your SEO strategy. This service analyzes various aspects such as site architecture, keyword density, and backlink profiles to uncover underlying issues that may be affecting your website’s search performance.

By pinpointing problems that could be hindering your site’s ability to rank effectively on search engine results pages (SERPs), an SEO audit sets the stage for enhancing visibility, increasing organic traffic, and improving overall engagement and conversion rates.

I believe that a good-performing website starts from within. No successful SEO strategy is built without a healthy website. On-page search engine optimization ensures that your website has achieved the best possible condition to rank better. That means having a well-structured website with all its pages optimized for SEO, with relevant keywords and meta tags, image alt texts, and more. I ensure that every aspect of on-page optimization is covered so that your website looks awesome (and works better) in the eyes of search engines and potential customers.

Competitor Analysis

Your digital marketing strategy is not complete without competitor analysis. This is a vital process that helps move your business to the right path, not just to gain traction in organic search results but also to stay ahead of the competition.

By digging deep into your competitors’ activities, I’ll help you uncover missed opportunities and use that information to build a better search engine optimization strategy. I’ll analyze their keywords, backlinks, website structure, and content marketing strategy and determine their strengths and weaknesses so you can outperform theirs.

Quality Link-Building

My SEO services include quality link building that goes beyond directory submissions—that’s old school! The way I build links is through content collaborations and influencer outreach. Not only does it help establish your domain authority, it also strengthens your brand recognition and builds relationships with other websites in your industry.

Links still play a valuable role in landing on the first spot of Google’s top 10 search engine results page. That’s why I ONLY build high-quality, organic, and relevant links to your industry. You’ll feel confident that you’re working with the right Filipino SEO expert!

Increase the number of customers visiting your store by using my Local SEO Services and optimizing your Google Business Profile. These services will improve your online presence in local search results and on important platforms like Google Maps, making it easier for nearby customers to locate and select your business over competitors.

By enhancing your local SEO, you will not only improve your website’s lead generation capabilities but also increase the number of physical visits, thereby significantly enhancing overall conversion opportunities.

Unlock your online store’s full potential with my specialized eCommerce SEO services. As an experienced SEO freelancer, I deeply understand how to enhance your website’s visibility and increase conversions. I offer expert optimization for various eCommerce platforms, including Shopify and WooCommerce.

With my services, you can expect tailored content that resonates with search engines and your target audience, ensuring your site ranks high in search results. I prioritize making your website secure, fast, and mobile-responsive, essential factors influencing search engine rankings and user experience. Let’s elevate your online presence and drive more organic traffic to your store.

Unleash the full potential of your online presence with our expert SEO Consultation Services. Every website is unique, and that’s why I focus on providing customized insights into your website’s architecture, content, and backlink profile—backed by data as extracted through industry-recognized tools.

My consultation service includes detailed assessments and actionable recommendations to enhance visibility and drive traffic. With our guidance, you can elevate your digital strategy, outpace the competition, and achieve sustained organic growth. Together, let’s optimize your success and make your dreams a reality!

Maximize your business potential with our powerful B2B SEO services, meticulously designed to amplify your digital presence and help you connect with your ideal corporate audience. My expertly crafted strategies, complete with extensive keyword research, competitor analysis, and content optimization, are tailored to take your visibility in SERPs to new heights. Experience the transformative power of increased organic traffic, high-quality leads, and improved conversion rates, propelling your business to the forefront of critical B2B marketplaces. Embrace sustainable growth and success, and stand out in your industry with our unparalleled B2B SEO services.

content marketing and seo services philippines

Your Dedicated

SEO Manila Expert


Driving organic search traffic to your website remains the most effective way to generate valid leads for your business. With 27% of marketers agreeing that organic search yields the highest number of leads, this approach is a no-brainer—considering over 8.5 billion Google searches are happening daily.

While paid search campaigns like Google Ads offer a quick visibility boost, they do not sustain performance without continuous investment. Organic SEO stands out by delivering long-term value. With the right strategy, your site endures online presence and performance without the recurring costs.

Investing in SEO enhances your visibility and solidifies your standing in search engine rankings for FREE, almost. It’s a smart strategy, especially if you’re budget-conscious and aiming for meaningful lead generation. 

However, remember that SEO is a marathon. It might take six months or more to see results, but the payoff is substantial. This strategic patience significantly reduces dependency on paid advertising—many of my clients have cut their Google Ads expenses by up to 50% or even eliminated them after climbing the SEO ladder.

With over 15 years of experience in SEO, I bring a wealth of knowledge and proven strategies to the table. Clients benefit from my extensive background with:

  • Achieving Long-Term SEO Success: Developing adaptable strategies that deliver consistent results year after year, even with search engine algorithm changes. 
  • Cost-Effective Digital Marketing Solution: Reduce the need for paid advertising and improve organic search visibility and lead quality.
  • Expert Analysis and Adaptation: Quickly identify factors that could impact your website’s performance and adjust strategies in real-time to secure your search engine rankings.

If you choose to work with me, you can expect an SEO strategy that is based on years of experience, proven results, and customized to meet your business’s specific needs. Let’s collaborate to improve your online presence by employing top-notch SEO techniques. Contact me today, and I’ll be your dedicated SEO specialist in Manila.

Get Your Website Found on Google!
Partner Up with a World-Class SEO Specialist

What is the ROI of

Search Engine Optimization?

Understanding the return on investment (ROI) from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for any business considering this powerful digital marketing strategy. With SEO, you’re not just increasing your site’s visibility; you’re setting the foundation for sustained organic growth that can significantly outpace the costs. Let’s explore compelling statistics highlighting the profitability and long-term benefits of effective search engine optimization practices.

SEO ROI Statistics

  • High Average ROI: When businesses invest in a professional SEO specialist, they can expect an average return of $2.75 for every $1 spent. This high ROI demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of SEO as a digital marketing strategy, especially compared to traditional advertising forms.
  • Long-Term Cost Efficiency: Studies show that an effective search engine optimization strategy can reduce the cost per acquisition (CPA) by 87% on average over five years, making it more cost-efficient than pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns in the long term.
  • Conversion Rates: Websites optimized for search engines have conversion rates nearly double that of non-optimized sites, meaning that serach engine optimization attracts higher traffic and effectively converts it into sales.
  • Market Share Increase: Having a well-optimized website is essential for increasing market share. It increases a website’s chance of gaining significant market share within its niche by 53%. This success allows businesses to outperform competitors and dominate their sectors.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Compared to traditional marketing, search engine optimization can reduce customer acquisition costs by 50%, making it highly efficient in building customer bases in competitive markets.

Industries that Benefit the Most from Hiring SEO Specialist

Certain industries experience even greater benefits from search engine optimization, making it an indispensable part of their online marketing strategies. These include:


  • Healthcare: For medical practices and healthcare providers, SEO helps them reach more patients by improving local search rankings and enhancing their online reputation.
  • Real Estate: Real estate businesses thrive with local SEO strategies that elevate their listings and attract more potential buyers and tenants.
  • eCommerce: Online retailers see significant gains from search engine optimization through improved product visibility and international market penetration without the hefty costs of traditional advertising.
  • Professional Services: Law firms, consulting firms, and financial services benefit from SEO by establishing authority and reaching potential clients actively seeking their specific services.
  • Hospitality: Hotels and restaurants can dramatically increase bookings through local SEO tactics highlighting their offerings and local experiences to prospective customers.

Hiring an experienced SEO specialist like myself can help you make the most of your website and turn every peso spent into a valuable investment for your business’s sustainable growth. With over 15 years of expertise onsite in the search engine optimization industry, I am dedicated to improving your digital presence and making it a significant growth driver for your business.

Improve your company’s online presence and boost your Google rankings using high-quality search engine optimization strategies that guarantee outcomes and the right outcomes. Let’s begin this journey to maximize your success.

My Search Engine Optimization Process

Get to know who you are and your business

Create a custom SEO plan

Tell me who your competitors are

Implement the strategies

Tell me about your ideal customer

Reporting and monitoring

Discuss your current SEO strategy


How Professional Search Engine Optimization Helps in Lead Generation?

Gaining a spot on Google’s first page is more than just visibility—it’s about establishing credibility and authority within your industry. Increased visibility on search engines through high keyword ranking is critical for business success. Studies on consumer behavior reveal that many potential buyers begin their purchasing journey on search engines such as Google. This is where search engine optimization becomes useful as it helps target the right audience at the right time, significantly improving the likelihood of converting website visitors into actual customers.

While social media marketing is effective for enhancing brand awareness and drawing in new audiences, it’s organic SEO that often closes the deal. This is accomplished by driving relevant traffic to your website—traffic that is more likely to engage with your content, appreciate your brand authority and eventually convert into loyal customers.

SEO goes beyond simple traffic increases—it builds brand loyalty and helps establish your authority in your industry through strategic content marketing. When content marketing is combined with SEO, it involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to draw in and keep a clearly defined audience with the ultimate goal of driving profitable customer action.

Digital marketing, specifically search engine optimization, aims to drive profitable customer action by building trust and establishing your brand as a credible source of information. Google rewards this type of content by placing it higher on search engine results pages.

With professional SEO services, you are not just attracting visitors but opening the door to increased conversions and sustained business growth. Transform your online presence with expert SEO strategies that align with your business goals and target audience’s needs.

Why Outsource Your SEO Services in the Philippines?

A strong online presence is crucial for any business today, and high rankings on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are key to achieving this. To secure a share of the growing digital marketing industry, strategic search engine optimization (SEO) is essential. However, SEO is complex and ever-changing, requiring expertise in the latest trends and algorithm updates. Outsourcing this service is often the best option.

Outsourcing your SEO services to the Philippines can provide you access to a team of skilled search engine optimization professionals well-versed in the latest digital marketing trends. In addition to their expertise, their services come at a significantly lower cost than their Western counterparts. This cost-effectiveness and top-quality services make the Philippines an appealing outsourcing option.

Thanks to the time difference with Western countries, mainly if you are based in the United States, activities such as website updates and adjustments can be implemented during off-hours, ensuring that your business is productive around the clock. Filipino SEO specialists are known for their hardworking nature and ability to solve problems creatively. These qualities are invaluable when facing the dynamic challenges of Google Algorithm updates and maintaining organic traffic flow.

Why Choose Filipino SEO Experts?

  • Cost Efficiency: Get high-quality search engine optimization services at a significantly lower cost.
  • Fluent English Communication: Overcome any cultural and language barriers with a team with effective communication skills.
  • Access to Skilled Professionals: Leverage the diverse talent pool of highly skilled SEO Manila experts.
  • Flexible Outsourcing: Adapt the length and scope of your digital marketing outsourcing needs as your business evolves.
  • Time Zone Advantage: Benefit from the advantageous time difference, allowing for continuous workflow and productivity.
it's a writer's world seo consultation

As an experienced SEO specialist, I have been in the industry for more than 15 years. I’ve worked with numerous SEO agencies locally and abroad—both in an offer and remote work. The funny thing is, I’ve started in this industry as a content writer and social media manager. However, my curiosity has lead me through this path. I’ve taught myself on the basics of SEO, starting with link building, and worked my way up.

During the pandemic, Google was kind enough to rank this website for several key terms. I’ve landed projects and worked with small businesses in Canada, Australia and United States. I was able to build a team of SEO professionals for a short period where I was the project lead and was the brains behind the strategy. Today, I am seeking opportunities in and outside Metro Manila.

My SEO approach is data-driven, and I meticulously analyze every aspect of your website. This includes technical setups, content creation, and marketing strategies to ensure optimal performance and conversion-friendly results.

I believe in transparency. I provide monthly reports that offer transparency and insights into your website’s performance. Quick adjustments are made as needed to ensure your site stays on track.

So, let’s work together to propel your business to higher SERPs, optimize your online presence, and capture your target audience effectively. Get in touch today, and let’s discuss how we can transform your digital marketing strategies into success stories.

Want the right Digital Marketing Partner?
Book a Consultation today!

FAQs about Search Engine Optimization

What is an SEO service?

An SEO service involves optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). This service encompasses various strategies, including keyword research, content creation, backlinking, and technical website enhancements, to attract higher-quality and greater-quantity traffic. The goal is to increase organic search results, making it easier for potential customers to find and engage with your business online, ultimately boosting conversions and revenue.

How much does an SEO service cost?

It depends on the SEO specialist and their services. Either way, search engine optimization typically costs $250-$2000 per month. Some Filipino SEO experts may also offer discounts for longer-term contracts. You can contact me for a discovery call to get a custom quote.

How long does it take for SEO to work?

The time it takes for SEO to show results can vary widely, but you can typically expect noticeable improvements within 3 to 6 months. Factors influencing this timeline include the website’s age, existing authority, competition in the industry, and the strategies implemented. Initial changes like increased site speed and optimized content can reflect quicker. At the same time, more substantial outcomes, such as ranking for competitive keywords, might take longer due to the complexity of search engine algorithms. Patience and consistent effort are crucial, as SEO marketing is a long-term investment.

What are the different SEO services?

SEO Manila experts offer a unique blend of services including keyword research, link building, and content optimization. At It’s a Writer’s World, I start my process with an audit before sending a plan. This way, I will have an idea of your project’s scope and what needs to be done.

What are the 4 types of SEO?

The four types of SEO are On-Page SEO, which focuses on optimizing elements within a website, such as content and HTML source code; Off-Page SEO, which involves external signals and links to the website; Technical SEO, which includes improving a site’s backend structure and foundation to enhance search engine crawling; and Local SEO, aimed at increasing visibility for businesses within local search results. Each type plays a crucial role in enhancing a website’s overall searchability and ranking.