Case Study:

Photo Editing Service’s Organic Traffic Grows by 32.87% in 5 Months

As I always say, ‘Content is King’. With Google constantly developing its algorithm to be user-centric and content-driven, a well-thought-out content marketing strategy is essential for online success.

Content marketing is a combination of science and art. It’s the science of researching and understanding who your audience is, what questions they are asking, and how to answer them in a way that will bring the most value. It also involves SEO (search engine optimization) which ensures your content is optimized to rank well on Google’s search results and is in line with what your target audience is looking for.

At the same time, it’s the art of crafting stories that resonate with your target audience and make them want to come back for more. It requires creativity, storytelling, visuals, and communication skills to create engagement and spark conversations.

Recently, we had the opportunity to work with a photo editing service located in Europe, which specializes in providing professional photo editing services to eCommerce stores and photographers around the world. In this case study, we’ll examine how we helped the photo editing service grow its organic traffic to 32.87% in five months.

About the Company

Pixel by Hand is a photo editing service located in Europe. It serves customers worldwide, specializing in eCommerce photography and other professional photo editing services. The company had been struggling to generate organic traffic for its website, which was limiting its reach and potential customer base.

Their service is easy to use. And the best part is they offer a FREE trial, which allows businesses to try their service at no cost. It’s a win-win if you ask me—if you’re not satisfied with their service, you can easily opt-out of the trial without any hassle. They will only charge you if you find the free trial satisfactory and choose to continue using their service.

The Challenge

Pixel by Hand was struggling with its organic traffic and getting new leads. What’s more is that they are planning to lower the costs of their Google Ads campaign—which is currently the main driver of their customer acquisition. So, they needed a more cost-effective way to grow their customer base and generate enough leads cheaply.

pixel by hand

When they reached out to me, they were initially looking for a cost-effective content writer who could help them create pieces for their blogs and service page content. They’ve had success with some of their content pieces, but they weren’t sure if it would be enough to drive organic traffic to the website.

And since I have an extensive background in SEO, I was able to spot some issues with their website’s structure and content that were holding it back from ranking higher on Google.

The first thing I’ve noticed is that their content is not structured accordingly. They had multiple H1s on some of their high-level pages, which made it difficult for search engines to understand what their content is about. Furthermore, I’ve found that H2s didn’t contain their target keywords.

Properly structuring your content does two things:

        • Improve your content’s readability for users allowing them to digest your content better
        • Improves your content’s visibility on search engine results pages

Internal linking was also not practiced and optimized properly. Their blog content pieces were not linked to any of their category pages, which meant they weren’t passing link juice to the important sections of the website.

I’ve always believed that proper implementation of internal links can significantly help with your website’s SEO as it helps Google understand the structure of your website better. In fact, I’ve experimented with this using my very own website ( and have had success in ranking for important keywords with very minimal effort in link building.

Lastly, I also looked into their competitors and discovered they were using keywords with higher search volume than what Pixel by Hand was targeting. This means that they were missing out on potential organic traffic coming from those keywords. While going for longer tail keywords is also important for user intent, going for search terms with higher search volume that are specific to your service can help you with improving search visibility.

Where I Rocked

Since the company was pretty open to suggestions, I was able to make the necessary changes to the website’s structure and content.

Content Marketing Strategy Implemented

Review current target keywords and compare them with the competition

The client has a specific competition in mind. And upon research and investigation, I’ve found that the top websites in their niche target keywords with higher search volume than what Pixel by Hand was targeting.

I’ve extracted the data and provided a proposal for the new target keywords, and planned my content strategy around them. This way, the company could capture organic traffic from more search terms and increase the chances of getting leads.

Restructured the initial blog calendar to align with underperforming service pages

I’ve identified pages that needed more content to improve visibility and organic traffic. With the new blog calendar I created, I’ve included pieces of content that were written around those underperforming service pages so they could get an organic boost.

Internal linking implementation

To make sure the website gets better visibility, I’ve implemented proper internal linking practices. Since search engines need to understand the structure of a website, I made sure that any high-level pages had at least 3 internal links from other related posts and service pages. This increased link juice passing between important parts of the website and improved their visibility.

Optimized current content for target keywords

By now, the client had a better understanding of their target keywords and how to use them in their website’s content. I’ve optimized existing content pieces with their target keywords. This improved organic traffic from search engines by helping them understand what the content is about.

Written content pieces for ideal customer profiles

Since the client is focusing their service on eCommerce stores, I’ve taken the time to research and write content pieces that would attract their ideal customer profiles. Instead of writing about the usual photo editing services, I’ve written articles to help online store owners with their marketing strategies and other related topics.

This gives Pixel By Hand the upper edge and makes them an authority in the eCommerce space. Not many business owners realize the importance of representing their brand in the best possible light. By educating them about the power of having high-quality images on their websites and listings, they’re more likely to understand the need to have a reliable photo editing service.

Optimized title tags and meta descriptions

The last step was to optimize the title tags and meta descriptions of their content pieces, making sure they included all target keywords. This would make it easier for search engines to understand what their content is about and help them rank better for those terms.

Grow Your Website Traffic with Effective Content Marketing

Successful content marketing means creating and distributing content that resonates with your target audience. We understand that no two brands are the same, and neither are their content goals. This is why we listen to your needs, understand your target audience, and create content marketing strategies tailored to your objectives. Whether it’s promoting brand awareness or driving more leads through online channels, we can help you succeed.


As mentioned, I was initially onboarded as a content writer for this client. I started to work fully on this campaign in August 2022. Here’s a quick overview of how this campaign is going after five (5) months.


pixel by hand global traffic

In the graph, we can see that there was a sudden spike in organic traffic around May 2022 which immediately dropped in the same month and didn’t recover. After the campaign was taken over by It’s a Writer’s World, we can see the constant upward trend. Although the campaign suffered a bit in early November which is probably due to the recurring (almost weekly) Google algorithm updates rolled out.


global organic traffic previous period comparison
global organic traffic previous period comparison data

On a period vs period comparison, we can see that August to December has had an increase of 32.87% in organic users versus the previous period.


global organic traffic previous year comparison
global organic traffic previous year comparison data

On a year vs year comparison, the organic visits growth was 130%. This is a huge leap.



usa organic traffic previous period comparison
usa organic traffic previous period comparison data


usa organic traffic previous year comparison
usa organic traffic previous year comparison data



uk organic traffic previous period comparison
uk organic traffic previous period comparison data


uk organic traffic previous year comparison
uk organic traffic previous year comparison data



au organic traffic previous period comparison
au organic traffic previous period comparison data


au organic traffic previous year comparison
au organic traffic previous year comparison data



pixel by hand organic clicks

We can see here as well that the organic clicks have massively increased from 548 to 713 and total impressions jumped from 165K to 337K (which we can attribute to ranking the right keywords).


Overall, the efforts put into this campaign have paid off. With proper keyword research and content optimization, we’ve seen an increase in organic traffic over the previous period and more importantly, the previous year. This shows that SEO and content marketing are great ways to drive more qualified leads to Pixel By Hand’s website and increase their visibility on search engines.

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