eCommerce SEO Services that Grow Your Online Sales

Grow Your Online Revenue.
Unleash Your Store’s Potential with Expert eCommerce SEO.

Did you know that 23.6% of ecommerce orders are directly linked to organic traffic? 

Many ecommerce businesses are missing substantial opportunities as most marketers focus on email campaigns and social media marketing.

However, the real game-changer lies in a robust ecommerce SEO strategy. Users arriving from search engines are high-intent visitors—they are ready to purchase. This makes SEO a potent tool for driving conversions.

Hiring SEO experts from the Philippines is a strategic move. Not only does it give you access to world-class ecommerce SEO services without the hefty price tag, you can ensure that my services meet your online store ‘s needs. Whether you’re using Shopify, WooCommerce, or any other platform, I can make sure your website dominates the search engines with white-label SEO and content marketing.

Partnering with It’s a Writer’s World means investing in sustainability. Our custom ecommerce SEO strategies are designed not just for traffic, but for conversion and customer retention. I specialize in developing strategies that enhance online visibility for product categories, brands and individual items, ultimately driving sales.

With my search engine optimization (SEO) services, you’re not just another client in a roster. You receive undivided attention, weekly updates, and the assurance that your business is geared for success. I am committed to placing your products where they belong: in the global spotlight.

Don’t let your business blend into the background. Embrace the future of retail with SEO services that deliver. Ready to amplify your online sales? Book a discovery call with us today and take the first step toward unlocking your brand’s true potential.

World Class eCommerce SEO Services,
Filipino Affordability.

My eCommerce SEO Services

Learn more about my ecommerce SEO services below. I offer customized digital marketing packages and creative services for businesses of all sizes. I’ve helped optimize hundreds of websites, including those using ecommerce platforms like Shopify, WordPress, BigCommerce, and more.


Keyword Research

I offer in-depth keyword research where I identify both transactional and commercial keywords crucial for your product and category pages. We delve into consumer language and search patterns. This ensures your ecommerce websites resonate with active buyers’ queries. This strategic keyword implementation bridges the gap between your offerings and customer searches.

On page SEO is about fine-tuning your website’s content, title tags and structure to enhance its appeal to search engines. From strategic keyword placement and compelling meta descriptions to internal linking and mobile-friendliness, I ensure ecommerce websites dominate search engine results pages.

Product Page Optimization

Product Page Optimization transforms your listings into conversion powerhouses. I refine meta tags for search clarity, revamp content for engagement, and enhance call-to-action elements for maximum response. Coupled with landing page aesthetics and accelerated site speed, I craft a seamless buying journey.

Site Structure and Website Optimization

Site Structure and Website Optimization ensures each site element displays thematic consistency. This holistic approach not only aligns with Google’s ranking prerequisites but significantly enhances user navigation. By creating an intuitive, interconnected browsing experience, we facilitate customer journey flow, encouraging prolonged engagement and repeat visits.

SEO Content Writing strategically infuses keywords into your product pages to elevate their search engine prominence. Beyond product descriptions, we craft compelling blog content that captivates your audience, enhances brand authority, and serves as a magnet for organic traffic. Our content not only speaks to your audience but also converses with algorithms.

Link Building

As an experienced ecommerce SEO expert, I conduct link building through authoritative guest blogging, citations, and premium business listings. I secure quality backlinks from esteemed platforms, amplifying your site’s trustworthiness. This strategic network expansion not only bolsters your SEO strength but also enhances your brand’s online authority and visibility.

content marketing and seo services philippines

Professional eCommerce SEO Services

While traditional SEO focuses on general visibility, our approach is laser-focused. We understand that for ecommerce sites, the real value isn’t just in getting visitors but in converting those visitors into loyal customers. My strategic SEO zeroes in on this, ensuring every click has a higher potential to convert.

Did you know that long-tail keywords make up most of all Google searches? These are specific search queries that potential customers type into search engines. Recognizing this, we don’t just optimize top-level category pages.

I delve deeper, looking even into specific product pages, and get them to rank high. After all, a customer might not just search for “men’s shoes”; they might search for “men’s waterproof hiking boots size 11.” Our tailored approach ensures they find your product for such specific queries.

My expertise isn’t just theoretical. I’ve helped hundreds of brands across Australia, the United States, and Europe climb the search engine ranks. From Shopify stores to WooCommerce setups, my ecommerce SEO services have transformed how brands appear online. The result? Increased visibility, more organic traffic, and a tangible boost in sales.

Why Organic Traffic Matters?

Consider this: less than 1% of searchers click on the second page of Google results. If you’re not on that coveted first page, you’re missing out on most potential customers. Moreover, organic search remains the top traffic source for all websites. My strategic SEO ensures you’re not just on the first page but ideally in those top spots where clicks are almost guaranteed.


Adapting to the Mobile World

The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Over 70% of shoppers now use their phones to buy online. My ecommerce SEO services ensure your site is mobile-optimized. After all, a site that doesn’t load well on mobile is a lost sales opportunity.


The Power of Reviews and Content

A staggering 98% of people read online reviews for local businesses. My SEO strategy includes generating authentic reviews and quality content. My content creation process addresses a significant concern: around 57% of B2B sellers feel their content is generic. I ensure your content is unique, resonates with your audience, and drives engagement.

Investment in the Future

SEO isn’t a one-time task. It’s an ongoing strategy. A significant 88% of marketers who invest in SEO plan to maintain or increase their investment. By partnering with “It’s a Writer’s World,” you’re investing in a future where your ecommerce brand consistently stays ahead of the curve.

ecommerce seo

In a world where almost 70% of consumers use the search bar upon landing on an online retailer’s site, can you afford not to prioritize SEO? Let It’s a Writer’s World Online Marketing Agency be your guiding star in the vast digital universe. Ready to transform your online presence? Let’s embark on this journey together.

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Shopify eCommerce SEO Services

Shopify reigns supreme with over 3,600,000 active online stores worldwide. I’m not just familiar with Shopify; I excel in it. My proficiency ranges from optimizing each product page to crafting content that captures and converts.

You don’t want your site to be someone’s practice ground. That’s why it’s essential to partner with an SEO expert who possesses a wealth of experience in your specific platform. At “It’s a Writer’s World,” I employ SEO strategies for Shopify websites that have stood the test of time. I’ve consistently secured top Google rankings for keywords that translate to purchases.

My journey with numerous Shopify retailers serves as a testament to my expertise. But my services extend beyond just high rankings; I understand that the ultimate goal is conversion. That’s why my approach is comprehensive, focusing on various aspects of the customer journey.

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eCommerce SEO for WooCommerce Websites

WooCommerce has taken the digital marketplace by storm, boasting a staggering 4,411,069 active stores. And the growth isn’t slowing down. With an impressive 11.0% surge in just the third quarter of 2023 and a whopping 59% year-over-year increase, it’s evident that WooCommerce is the platform of choice for many.

Now, let’s talk about where It’s a Writer’s World fits into this picture. Imagine blending the dynamism of WooCommerce with a decade’s worth of expertise in WordPress. That’s me!

But why stop at WooCommerce? My love affair with WordPress spans over 10 years. That’s a decade of diving deep into the world’s most popular content management system, understanding its nuances, and leveraging its capabilities to the fullest.

So, if you’re dreaming of a WooCommerce store that doesn’t just exist but thrives, or a WordPress ecommerce website that tells your brand’s story like no other, you’re in the right place.

Get Your Website Found on Google!
Talk to Us About Our eCommerce SEO Service

Why Invest in eCommerce SEO Services?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of enhancing a website’s visibility on search engines like Google. But why is this so crucial for ecommerce businesses? It’s quite simple: SEO ensures that when potential customers search for your products online, your ecommerce website appears prominently in the search results.

Imagine this: A shopper is looking for a pair of eco-friendly sneakers. They could either stumble upon an ad on social media, get a promotional email, or search for it on Google. When your online store appears in search results, the likelihood of that visitor having a buying intent is significantly higher than if they found you via an email or social media ad. It’s akin to them walking into a physical store, cash in hand, ready to purchase. People scrolling through social media might not be actively looking to buy. However, those using search engines are often in the final stages of their buying journey. They’ve identified a need, researched solutions, and now want to purchase.

Now, let’s talk numbers. Billions of queries are made on Google daily. Even securing a top spot for a handful of relevant keywords can drastically increase your online sales. And the best part? This traffic is free. Unlike paid advertising, where each click costs money, organic traffic doesn’t require continuous spending. For instance, if you run a campaign on social media, you pay for every interaction. With SEO, after the initial investment in optimizing your site, every click, every visit, and every conversion costs you nothing. That’s a significant cut down on advertising expenses.

Consider the trust factor. When users see your ecommerce store ranking high on Google, there’s an inherent trust established. They subconsciously believe that Google has vetted your site and deemed it credible. Think of it this way. If you search for a product and see online stores consistently ranking in the top three positions, wouldn’t you be more inclined to trust and buy from them? The repeated visibility fosters trust and brand recall even if they don’t click on your link immediately. Over time, this “mindshare” can help in increasing online sales and loyalty.

My eCommerce SEO Process

Get to know who you are and your business

Create a custom ecommerce SEO plan

Tell me who your competitors are

Implement the ecommerce SEO strategies

Tell me about your ideal customer

Ecommerce Marketing Reporting and Website Traffic Monitoring

Discuss your current SEO campaign strategy


Why Outsource Your eCommerce SEO Services to the Philippines?

Apart from its rich cultural heritage and stunning beaches, the Philippines is an emerging as a powerhouse for digital marketing services. Here’s why outsourcing SEO services here can be a game-changer for your e-commerce business.

Cost-Effective Expertise

Hiring an in-house digital marketing manager or team can be a significant investment. However, when you hire ecommerce SEO experts from the Philippines, you get the same level of expertise, if not more, at a fraction of the cost. The country boasts a vast pool of talented professionals well-versed in the latest SEO techniques. This means you can allocate your budget more efficiently and invest in other aspects of your business.

Dedicated Focus on Your Ecommerce Brand

Outsourcing doesn’t mean you’re just another client on a long list. Many Filipino SEO professionals ensure that they understand the unique challenges and opportunities your online store presents. We can craft a custom ecommerce SEO strategy ensuring that you stand out in the crowded digital marketplace.

English Proficiency

The Philippines is the third-largest English-speaking country globally. This proficiency ensures that content creation is of high quality. Whether it’s product descriptions, blog posts, or meta tags, you can be confident that the language will resonate with your target audience.

Flexibility and Scalability

As your ecommerce business grows, so will your SEO needs. Outsourcing and hiring a remote team is a more economical way to scale. Whether you’re just starting out or are an established brand looking to expand, there’s an SEO expert who can match your requirements. Plus, with different time zones, work can continue on your project even when your local team is off the clock. Continuous productivity it is!

Cultural Adaptability

Filipinos are well-versed in Western culture and are capable of bringing a unique perspective to your ecommerce marketing strategies. This adaptability ensures that your SEO strategies are not just technically sound but also culturally relevant.

Up-to-Date with Global Trends

The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Filipino SEO experts are continually upskilling. This allows us to stay on top of trends and algorithms. When you hire an SEO from the Philippines, you’re getting a partnership.

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Solutions

A holistic approach is essential for online success. Many Filipino agencies offer comprehensive digital marketing services—from social media marketing, content marketing, to pay-per-click advertising.

Outsourcing your ecommerce SEO services to the Philippines offers a cost-effective, efficient, and expert solution to elevate your online presence. So, why wait? Dive into the world of opportunities that Filipino e-commerce SEO experts bring to the table and watch your business soar to new heights. Ready to embark on this journey? Reach out and let’s craft a success story together.

Want the right eCommerce SEO Agency Philippines?
Book a Consultation today!

eCommerce SEO FAQs

Is ecommerce SEO worth it?

Absolutely, search engine optimization is a crucial investment. It enhances online visibility, drives high-intent traffic to your store, and increases the likelihood of conversions.

How long does ecommerce SEO take?

An SEO campaign isn’t an overnight success; it typically requires several months. The initial few months involve technical fixes, content creation, and strategy implementation. Tangible results are often visible between 4-6 months not just on Google but on other search engines as well.

How much do ecommerce SEO services cost?

The cost of search engine optimization varies widely based on the store’s size, the competition, and the project scope. Custom strategies can range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars monthly. To get a custom quote my marketing services, schedule a discovery call here.

How does ecommerce SEO attract customers?

SEO optimizes your ecommerce store, so it appears higher in search results for queries related to your products. It visibility brings more organic traffic to your site. This makes it more important to partner with an ecommerce SEO expert with years of experience in the field.

Why ecommerce SEO is more important than social media marketing?

Ecommerce SEO targets active users, capturing them at their highest purchase intent. Social media marketing, on the other hand, relies on impulse buying. Leads coming from an SEO campaign tend to have higher conversion rates as they’re more likely to buy.